Currently accepting families into the RUBI parent training program.
This program is for parents and other caregivers who have a child:
Between 3 and 10 years old
Diagnosed with autism or related developmental disabilities
Who has problem behaviors that get in the way of daily life
Who can follow simple, 1-step instructions
We help with behaviors like:
Hitting, kicking and biting
Tantrums and meltdowns
Not doing what you ask (noncompliance)
This program is NOT a good fit for children who:
Mainly need to address self-harming, severe aggression, eating nonfood items (pica) or running or wandering off (elopement)
Only need to increase language skills, play skills or social skills
Only have problem behaviors at school
RUBI is an outpatient service. You and a therapist will work 1-on-1 in weekly 1-hour sessions for up to 13 weeks. Your child only attends the first visit. It is best if the same adults attend each week. The program has the best results when caregivers make the time and effort to learn the skills and practice them at home.
We explain why kids behave the way they do. Sessions also cover how to:
Prevent problem behaviors from happening
Promote positive behaviors in your child
Respond to problem behaviors more effectively
Teach your child new skills that can replace a problem behavior
Make positive behavior changes last over time and work across situations
We will work with you to schedule a regular day and time for your visits. One month after you finish the program, you will have a follow-up visit.
We explain why kids behave the way they do. Sessions also cover how to:
Prevent problem behaviors from happening
Promote positive behaviors in your child
Respond to problem behaviors more effectively
Teach your child new skills that can replace a problem behavior
Make positive behavior changes last over time and work across situations
We will work with you to schedule a regular day and time for your visits. One month after you finish the program, you will have a follow-up visit.
The materials during the 10 week workshops sessions are but not limited to:
RUBI Workbook
Individualized supporting visuals
Slides to follow workshops
What other resources will be suggested to use?